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How about a smart toilet in a 3 square meters bathroom

Views: 76     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-12-16      Origin: Site

How about a smart toilet in a 3 square meters bathroom

It's amazing how much I can fit into a small 3 sq ft! Not only can I fit my beloved smart toilet and separate shower, but mainly I can also fit my washing machine and have a cupboard full of storage, who wouldn't want to look at that OMG‼️

And since I've had the smart toilet, I really want to use it for the rest of my life! It really works so well!


It's fully automatic experience is really great, every time you approach the lid automatically flip, leave the lid automatically close, get up automatically flush, the smart toilet I bought also has a kick button, it can be convenient for men to flush, also can kick to flip the lid closed, super convenient.

Smart toilets also have a lot of thoughtful features that aren't difficult with, but are really meaningful for a group of people to exist.

For example, as long as there are women in your family, the special woman washing mode of the smart toilet becomes very important to take care of the special situation of girls, such as menstruation, this mode has a large flushing range, the water temperature and, in the special case of girls, special attention to hygiene.


The flushing function of the smart toilet is really good, not only for girls, but also for sick elderly people who have difficulty going to the toilet and showering, so they can flush themselves to avoid embarrassment.

It's a great feature for every bathroom to be able to deodorize automatically, especially for bathrooms with no windows, it's a pleasure to keep the air fresh.

I also think that the warm air drying of the toilet is very good, although it takes longer, but it does not affect us to play with the phone, after cleaning the pp drying, like a spa, princess-like treatment.

The seat heating is also not difficult to use, the seat pad needs to be removed and cleaned often in winter, otherwise it will breed bacteria and cross-infection, but the seat heating is clean and warm, if you don't like cold seats, you can leave it on all year round.

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